
Blog — Tea

Is black tea with milk healthy?

Posted by Taruna Poddar at

Black Tea is loaded with antioxidants that helps against aging, improves metabolism, oxidises fat and helps in weight loss. Adding milk in tea, completely......

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Loose leaf tea vs tea bags? Find out the difference here!

Posted by Ashish Poddar at

High quality teas like Kadambri Green Teas are made of large-whole-leaves of tea (called buds) and are not broken into pieces during the tea making process. It retains a high percentage of essential oils and flavor inside the leaves which when brewed gives it a unique flavor. Also long leaf teas are much less susceptible to moisture and retain freshness for longer periods

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Our suggestion - Buy Small Tea Packets But Frequently

Posted by Ashish Poddar at

we suggest that you buy small packs of tea, just enough to serve you for 1-3 months. Why? One good reason...

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